The battery current measurement is missing with CATL modules, but some inverters do that alone. In this case, it is difficult to calculate a precise SOC, but with NMC chemistry, we can use battеry voltage for simple SOC calculation.
I alredy have done lot of tests wit open voltage SOC.
Hi. I was looking for a while and haven't found. From testing 3.3 to 4.15 is around 85% capacity. I tried lower to 3 V but I have a weak cell in one pack and after 3.3 is dropping to fast generating 250mV dV so I do stop testing.
hi, thanks for replay Kevin. I actually very happy now. I burn 2 MCP2515 interfaces. one was connected to Foxess inverter the other one to a Sungrow inverter both being connected to the same laptop. strange enough Arduino’s are ok.
@Kevin I don’t see any issue with your 3d printer, a network ...
Hi guys! Sorry to inform you but, look like a kill my FoxEss inverter or at least the CAN communication. When I start the inverter is sending 1871 but when i try to send any response 1871 is not send any more the 1871 and the inverter doesn’t receive data even if I manually send them.
I am having a storage pack with Peugeot modules that also use MAX 17841
Are you using Arduino Nano or ESP 32 for controller? I have an Arduino working but I have problem moving to ESP32. My problem with Arduino is that the RAM ...
Hi, Thanks for asking. I don’t have an actual photo but last that i have in my phone is before connecting to inverter. ...
I leave in Uk 2 years and is simple to import power. Plus in the north is no gas only electricity. in a month here i use like in a year in UK :).
In nordic counties power is like the stock market and the pay for transport fees. For example tomorrow (12.07.23) the cheapest hour in SE3 it is between ...
But on the Modbus i don't have any registry description.
Being in Sweden i need to charge when the price is lowest may be in the middle of the day or the entire weekend. For this i need to be able to tel inverter when to charge. Second variant is to ...
These FoxESS units are pretty simple to operate over can, I have a few running now. You can throw away the BMS Master unit, it's not needed.
I've written a DBC file will work fine for you, take a look in the dbc folder. Basic rundown of the protocol is in the readme. If you have any issues feel ...
Yes seems like a good inverter, and I wish I could find a second hand one at that price, think I'm going to have to buy new, so can't test anything further untill I have one. With regards to the black box do we need this if building our own BMS system as I wasn't aware that this was required ...
I think is a good choice if you can find cheap. I have seen them around £300-£400 (for the 5KW) on eBay.
I have almost crack the can messages. I move on on esp32 and a small 1" display but I am relocating and between jobs and will be some time until have time to move on with the project ...
First invertor and BMS setup