We discussed today about the lack of organization of firmware development, at least when it comes to inverter firmware. Probably other projects, too.
Now, the situation is, that I wake up every morning knowing there are a number of outstanding issues and improvements. But when I sit down in front of my computer, I can't actually remember what they were and where to find them. So I watch youtube instead. Not good.
We discussed somehow to extend the forum to organize tracking but it's probably easier to use a bug tracking system that is actually meant for the task: github issues. E.g. for inverter that is this: https://github.com/jsphuebner/stm32-sine/issues
Now, I think the forum is still a great place to assess whether a given issue is a user or system error. But if it turns out to be the latter, we need to keep track of it. Otherwise chances are it won't be fixed.
So that would be the "process": discuss on forum -> open an issue if appropriate
That's where the solution begins. Hopefully. Thanks