Can't use the Boost feature Gen 3 HELP PLEASE

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Can't use the Boost feature Gen 3 HELP PLEASE

Post by machusenpai »

Alright guys, I've acquired a Prius Gen 3 Inverter and I did my own breakout board. I've learned a lot by my errors and from Damien old live streams (that I watched completely, which is like 6hours without missing a single minute) and I tried running it with a DC pump motor which is basically a dead short series wound motor which somehow cannot be driven by any IGBTS or mosfet because they end up exploding even if they are rated WAY higher than what I use it. Since then, I blew MG2 and it shorted, Now I have MG1 left and I switched the Motor for a Permanent Magnet brushed dc disc motor (no winding) and MG1 seem to work fine with this motor. However, This motor love volts, it is designed for 300v DC operation but I don't have enough battery voltage for this. So I wanted to boost my 150v battery pack to 300v using the boost converter. For my application I don't need more than 100amps which is the max that the booster can handle I think..? So I tried using the booster and it basically just click or hum depending on the Duty cycle and act as a "short" whenever I send PWM. (I am using resistors to limit the current to 100mah-10 amps so I don't blow the booster...)

I need help because these informations are not that easy to find online. If you guys can tell me which wire that I absolutely need and which are not necessary for testing. (I will config these later on) Here are the wires that I am using:

MG1 ABC Low or HI side pwm (I tried both, both seems to work fine. Should I use One IGBT for Hi and the other for low or just use all HI or all Low and connect the other terminal to the inverter opposite terminal?)
5V MG1 power supply
The DC DC converter low side PWM to ground for boost.
The DC DC converter 5V power supply.
That's about it.

Do I need to enable something more ? Do I need to use both low/hi side dc converter even if I dont use the 14v car battery charger? Are there more wires that need to be bridged, connected, grounded, etc?
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