Stuck with Mini V1.1 repair..
Got some damaged modules with Leaf Gen2 adapter board.
One module restored, inverter and motor running for test setup, but bad UDC measurement.
Second module had dead STM32. Ordered and changed STM32F103RBT6.
Flashed, activity led is blinging. WEB interface gives spot values. Updated to 5.35R_FOC. Loaded parameter set from first working board.
Get PotNom changing, but no PWM generated to inverter- motor not spinning. Checked on oscilloscope all PWM outputs are steady high and no activity there...
Bad NEW STM32?
Had to do something else during flashing like enable settings on the CPU?
Flashing itself was a challenge for me. Flashing .bin didnt work, flashing .hex got "activity" led blinking, but no web spot values, no RX/TX. Tried to flash loader first and then .hex and got web working. Maybe i just didnt do something else??
Spares from Farnell, should not get fake STM?