Fully Open CCS Charge Controller (FOCCCI)

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Disclaimer: This Page is still work in progress! Any information written here is a draft only and should be handled as such. Contributions more then welcome. If you have questions please ask them in the discussion section of the page or in the OpenInvert Forum.

Foccci (v4.5) pinout

This page is about FOCCCI. FOCCCI is an open source CCS Charge Controller started by Uhi and developed by the OpenInverter Community.

Here you will find documentation on the Hardware, where to get it (or how to build it yourself), News regarding the development and many more great things.

On Foccci runs the reference software CCS32Clara (also referred to as Clara).

Foccci on Github.

Foccci in the OpenInverter Forum.

Pin description

External connector ("Deutsch Header")

Pin nr Short name Description
A1 TEMP1 Power pin temperature sensor. It is pulled up to 3.3V with 10k and the sensor must pull down to GND. Sensor characteristics are configurable in software
A2 TEMP2 As above
A3 TEMP3 As Above
A4 LOCKFB Feedback signal from connector lock. Pulled up to 3.3V with 10k, so feedback must pull down to GND. Thresholds configurable in software
A5 IN_U_HV Analog input 0 to 5V, with pull-down-resistor. Can be used to measure the charge port voltage, using a converter board, e.g. the "muehlpower board"
A6 CP CP (Control Pilot) pin from charge port
A7 SW2(_LS) Output for charge port contactor 2. Low side switch until Foccci 4.4, high side switch starting 4.5

Controls one of the contactors to make the connection between the HV battery and the vehicle inlet.

The output can drive inductive load without additional circuits. It will clamp the turn-off voltage to ~40V. The driver has protection against shortcut and thermal overload.

The output can be configured to be just digital on/off, and can also be configured to use PWM. BUT: In Foccci versions 4.2 and 4.3 (maybe more) the output driver is only capable of slow PWM, which is hearable and may cause trouble with the contactors. So it is recommended to NOT use the PWM feature, and instead use contactors which do not require economizing or use external economizers. In case you want the PWM nevertheless, you need a external freewheeling diode.

Starting Foccci 4.5 PWM is working as intended at 18 kHz. It is a high side output starting v4.5, so the other side of the contactor must be connected to GND. Before v4.5 it is a low side output so the other side must be connected to 12V

A8 LOCK_MOT2 Motor driver output for charge port lock servo
A10 PP PP (Proximity Pilot) pin from charge port. If you want Foccci to wake up when an unpowered charge cord is plugged in you must close JP3 to pin 1 (towards R7). There mustn't be a pull-down resistor in the charge port in this case as that would permanently keep Foccci awake
A11 5V 5V, 500mA e.g. for supplying voltage sense board. This is an OUTPUT of Foccci. Do not apply an external voltage source here. Foccci contains a step-down-converter from the 12V supply to this 5V output.
B1 CANH CAN communication
B3 n.c.
B4 n.c.
B6 SW1(_LS) Output for the charge port contactor 1. See description of SW2(_LS).
B7 WAKEUP Wakeup bus. Momentarily (or constantly) applying 12V wakes up the board. In the other direction Foccci can wake up (or supply with up to 1A) other devices via a 12V high side switch
B8 12V Supply voltage, always on. 9 to 24V are fine.
B9 LED_RED Status LEDs
B12 BUTTON Wakes up Foccci or stops an ongoing charging session

Internal connectors

short name description
UART TX Provides logging information, 921600 Baud. See also https://github.com/uhi22/ccs32clara/blob/main/doc/clara_user_manual.md#serial-logging
UART RX Not used
SWCLK for flashing with STLINK
SWDIO for flashing with STLINK

Hardware detection

3.3v Addressing Voltage Divider.png

To allow software to reliably detect which version hardware it runs on, in HW version 4.1 a version indication resistor was added. As opposed to some other boards that run at 5.3V, the voltage here is 3.3V.

Variant R1 R2 voltage ADC -3% +3%
- 47 2,7 0,179 222 216 229
- 47 3,3 0,217 269 261 277
- 47 3,9 0,253 314 304 323
- 47 4,7 0,300 372 361 383
- 47 5,1 0,323 401 389 413
- 47 5,6 0,351 436 423 449
- 47 6,8 0,417 518 502 533
- 47 7,5 0,454 564 547 580
4.0 with economizer 47 8,2 0,490 608 590 627
- 47 9,1 0,535 664 644 684
4.2 47 10 0,579 718 697 740
4.3 47 12 0,671 833 808 858
4.4 47 15 0,798 991 961 1020
4.5 47 18 0,914 1134 1100 1168
47 22 1,052 1306 1266 1345
47 27 1,204 1494 1449 1539
47 33 1,361 1689 1639 1740
47 39 1,497 1857 1801 1913
47 47 1,650 2048 1986 2109
47 56 1,794 2226 2160 2293